Sản phẩm của chúng tôi
Được sản xuất từ nguồn nguyên liệu Dừa Bến Tre 1 năm tuổi tiêu chuẩn cao.
Hãy cùng tìm hiểu những sản phẩm tinh túy ấy từ nhà máy của Coco Hitech chúng tôi.

Nước dừa xiêm xanh
Được làm từ 100% nước dừa nguyên chất từ giống dừa xiêm xanh trồng theo phương pháp hữu cơ (không sử dụng phân bón hóa học, thuốc trừ sâu, nguyên liệu biến đổi Gen,…), hoàn toàn không thêm đường.
Coconut Water – 100% Pure
Về chúng tôi
Đôi nét về Coco Hitech Việt Nam
Bột sữa dừa đông lạnh Coco Hitech làm từ những quả dừa chất lượng của Bến Tre, giàu dưỡng chất và được sản xuất bởi nhà máy Công ty Cổ Phần Coco Hitech.
Coco Hitech hiện đang là một trong những thương hiệu dẫn đầu về sản phẩm làm từ dừa Bến Tre tại Việt Nam. Không những thế, các sản phẩm của Coco Hitech còn được xuất khẩu tới hơn 50 quốc gia châu Á và Châu Âu, đặc biệt là thị trường Hàn Quốc, Trung Quốc.
Đặc điểm sản phẩm nước dừa tươi Coco Hitech
Được làm từ 100% nước dừa nguyên chất từ những quả dừa Organic trồng theo phương pháp hữu cơ (không sử dụng phân bón hóa học, thuốc trừ sâu, nguyên liệu biến đổi Gen,…), hoàn toàn không thêm đường.
Nước dừa Organic của Coco Hitech giữ nguyên dưỡng chất, vị tươi ngon & thanh mát tự nhiên, đồng thời cung cấp nhiều vitamin và khoáng chất thiết yếu cho cơ thể như K, Na, Ca, Mg, P.
1. Dinh dưỡng sản phẩm nước dừa tươi Coco Hitech
Nước dừa tươi Coco Hitech có thành phần hoàn toàn tự nhiên từ trái dừa Bến Tre nên mang đủ chất dinh dưỡng từ dừa.
Thành phần dinh dưỡng:
- Calories (50 kcal)
- Cholesterol (0g)
- Sodium (130mg)
- Carbonhydrate (13g)
- Sugars (11g)
- Potassium (560mg)
2. Các loại đóng gói Bột sữa dừa đông lạnh Coco Hitech
Công ty CP Coco Hitech có 2 loại bột sữa dừa: Béo cao (63%) và béo thấp (45%) được đóng gói trong các loại:
Gói 1 kg – 10 gói/thùng;
Bao kraft 20 kg và bao kraft 25kg;
3. Nước dừa tươi Coco Hitech được sử dụng theo những cách sau:
Nước dừa tươi Coco Hitech thích hợp sử dụng trực tiếp hoặc dùng pha chế cocktail hoặc các thức uống dinh dưỡng hỗ trợ giảm cân và làm đẹp da.
Nước dừa Coco Hitech ít calo và chất béo, nhưng lại rất giàu kali, chất điện giải cần thiết cho sức khỏe của tim, tốt cho xương và chức năng cơ bắp. Thích hợp cho người thường xuyên vận động, quan tâm các thức uống có nguồn gốc tự nhiên và giàu dinh dưỡng, hỗ trợ giảm cân và làm đẹp da.
Nếu việc mua quả dừa tươi có thể gặp những trái được ủ chất bảo quản, chất tẩy trắng hay được bảo quản trong thời gian quá lâu làm hư hỏng bên trong, thì nước dừa tươi Coco Hitech sẽ mang lại cho bạn những ngụm nước dừa tuyệt đối an toàn, không hề có chất bảo quản. An toàn cho mọi đối tượng người dùng.
Một ly nước dừa mỗi ngày sẽ giúp làn da bổ sung nước, làm chậm quá trình lão hóa. Từ đó, làn da của mẹ sẽ trở nên căng mịn và rạng rỡ hơn.Nước dừa có thể kích thích tuyến giáp, giúp tăng cường năng lượng cơ thể. Không chỉ thơm mát, trong nước dừa còn chứa nhiều dinh dưỡng có lợi cho sức khỏe.
- Làm đẹp da: Nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra cytokinin được tìm thấy trong nước dừa giúp điều chỉnh sự phát triển tế bào da. Bên cạnh đó trong nước dừa có chứa acid lauric có thể giảm thiểu sự lão hóa của tế bào da, cân bằng độ pH và giữ cho các mô da liên kết mạnh mẽ, làm ẩm cho da.
- Giảm cân: Nước dừa rất giàu chất điện giải tự nhiên nhằm tăng cường sự trao đổi chất của cơ thể. Do đó, nước dừa rất hữu ích đối với những ai đang đấu tranh với vấn đề cân nặng của mình.
- Tăng cường năng lượng và sức khỏe tim mạch: Nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng những người có huyết áp cao thường có hàm lượng Kali trong cơ thể thấp hơn người bình thường. Vì vậy, uống nước dừa thường xuyên đem lại hiệu quả điều hòa huyết áp cao nhờ chứa nhiều khoáng chất Kali và axit lauric.
- Cung cấp nước và khoáng chất cho cơ thể: Nhờ sự phong phú các vitamin, khoáng chất và chất dinh dưỡng, nước dừa là một thức uống bổ sung năng lượng tuyệt vời với hàm lượng đường và natri ít hơn hẳn khi so với các loại thức uống thể thao khác. Đồng thời, nước dừa còn cung cấp Kali (K), Phốt pho (P), Canxi (Ca), Magiê (Mg), giúp phục hồi và tăng cường năng lượng của bạn.
- Tăng cường hệ miễn dịch và có lợi cho hệ tiêu hóa: Nước dừa chứa axit lauric khi vào cơ thể sẽ chuyển đổi thành monolaurin giúp kháng vi-rút, kháng khuẩn, chống giun đường ruột, ký sinh trùng và nhiễm trùng đường tiêu hóa.
with us
As a reputable manufacturer and exporter, products are quality controlled according to international standards, meeting strict requirements in European, American, and Japanese markets.
For any cooperation requirements, questions to be answered or product advice, please contact us:
Why choose us?
Why choose us?
Coco hitech chooses the motto of putting PRESTIGE and QUALITY as top concerns, creating a basis for future development.
Standardized Manufacture Process & Diversified Products
Coco Hitech always has strict control over the source of raw materials as well as the standard purchasing system. We also proved our strength through diversified products with high export value.
Modern production lines of international quality
Coco Hitech’s factory acquired the most advanced machinery and equipment technology in the industry of producing coconut products. The quality of each Coco Hitech’s product is controlled according to international standards.
In recent years, as consumers becoming more and more interested in health care, the global market has witnessed a significant growth in demand for coconut products. However, not every country in the world has the available source of coconut. Vietnam, possessing a large area of natural coconut, is one of the 10 countries having the largest coconut production worldwide.
In Vietnam, Ben Tre - with the geographical advantage of being the concentration of alluvium sources of the Mekong River - is currently a supplier of coconuts with high quality certified by the international market. However, for many reasons, the current level of investment in technology for coconut products in Vietnam has not fully exploited the advantages granted by Vietnamese natural resources.
With more than 175,000ha of coconuts planted, coconut tree is ranked fourth among perennial industrial crops in Vietnam, after rubber, pepper, and cashew. Coconut planting area is concentrated in the Central Coast provinces, especially Binh Dinh and the Mekong River Delta, Ben Tre province.
In which, the Mekong River Delta accounts for nearly 80% of the country's coconut planting area with about 130,000 hectares. The provinces with large coconut growing areas are as follows: Ben Tre (over 72,000 hectares), Tra Vinh (nearly 20,000 hectares), Tien Giang (over 72,000 hectares). over 14,000 ha), Vinh Long (over 7,000 ha). Coconut is identified as an important input for many industries.
Coconut tree is known as the tree of life, the tree of 1001 uses due to its multi-use characteristic. All parts of the coconut tree from the trunk, leaves to the fruit, shell, fiber, water...can be used for human life. Perhaps there is no crop that can produce as many products as the coconut tree. So far, the member countries of the Asia-Pacific Coconut Association (APCC) have produced and exported more than 70 types of coconut products, of which the Philippines contributes more than 40 types of coconut oil products from high-end industrial products such as fatty alcohols to handicrafts.
- Desiccated coconut (Copra): copra of dried coconut is sun-dried or dried to 6-7% moisture. This is a traditional product from coconut used to press coconut oil. Currently, the production of copra has decreased significantly due to low profit from coconut oil pressing.
- Crude coconut oil: crude coconut oil is made from desiccated coconut. Through the filtering stage, coconut oil is extracted by dry pressing method and must be refined to decolor and deodorize to become cooking oil.
- Desiccated coconut oil cake: the remaining coconut residue after coconut oil extraction is used as animal feed. This product contains about 20% protein, 45% carbohydrates, 11% fiber along with coconut oil and other minerals.
- Pure coconut oil: the oil extracted from fresh copra by wet pressing method. This type of coconut oil is colorless with signature coconut smell. The price of pure coconut oil is 3-4 times higher than that of coconut oil. Pure coconut oil is extracted by dry pressing method.
- Desiccated coconut: Fresh copra is crushed into different sizes, then dried and packed.
- Coconut milk and coconut milk powder: coconut milk is pressed from fresh copra, through processing, sterilization, and packaging. Coconut milk is very convenient to drink, being used in cooking dishes and making fresh desserts.
- Coconut ice cream: condensed coconut milk or copra Pureed wax is partially substituted for fresh cow's milk in ice cream ingredients.
- Coconut Cheese and Coconut Yogurt: the respective fermented products of coconut milk.
- Coconut candy: the product of a mixture of sugar, malt and condensed coconut milk.
- Coconut jelly: is a fermented product of dried coconut water, forming a thick layer of cellulose jelly.
- Coconut sugar and coconut wine: a product extracted from young coconut flowers. Similar to the yellow sugar of jaggery, sugar from coconut nectar has a signature aroma of coconut and contains lots of energy.
- Coconut jam: hard pruned coconut (10 months old) is peeled off the brown shell, thinly sliced, mixed with sugar and slugged until the sugar is dry, then the piece of coconut is covered by powdered sugar.
- Fresh canned coconut water: coconut water of the 8-month-old coconut is sterilized and canned. Fresh coconut water has long been considered a nutritious and hygienic water recommended by FAO.
- Products from coconut wood: construction materials, handicrafts for export and household products.
- Products from coconut leaves: dried coconut leaves are used as fuel or used to bundle brooms, fresh coconut leaves are used to tie baskets.
- Products from coconut scrub, coconut bibs: making handicrafts.
- Products from coconut shells: making handicrafts, processed into coconut fiber, making coir mats, coir mattresses, ecological nets, insulation boards, ropes. Products made from coconut fiber are mainly used in agriculture, construction industry, car manufacturing and household appliances.
- Products from coconut shells: coconut shell is used to make sintering coconut charcoal and then being processed into activated carbon for industrial use.
Coconut trees are grown in 93 countries and territories around the world, distributed in the 20° Northern and Southern Hemisphere with an area of more than 12 million hectares (APCC, 2005), of which over 80% of the coconut growing area belongs to countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia. The largest coconut growing country is Indonesia with an area of 3.8 million hectares, followed by the Philippines with 3.1 million hectares and third is India with 1.84 million hectares. In general, from 1990 to now, the area under coconut cultivation in the world has fluctuated from 9.9 million hectares in 1990 to 10.6 million hectares in 2003.
Not only a delicious refreshing drink, coconut water also possesses many great health benefits.
Low calories
One cup of coconut water contains only 45 calories, making it a great alternative to high-energy drinks like soda or juice.
Coconut water has 10 times more potassium than other sports drinks. Potassium helps balance fluids and electrolytes in the body, especially during exercise. Electrolyte balance plays an important role in optimizing the functioning of the muscular, circulatory, nervous and immune systems as well as assisting in the absorption and balance of fluids within the body.
Calcium is very important for the body, especially for strong bones and teeth. It helps muscles contract and work properly. When you exercise, the muscles contract the bone and weaken it a bit. As the body heals, the bones use calcium for repair and strength.
Coconut water is rich in antioxidants that help neutralize and eliminate free radicals generated during exercise. According to a recent study, the process of processing and treating coconut water with heat will reduce the amount of inherent antioxidants. Therefore, enjoying fresh coconut water will help you get more nutrition.
Amino Acids
Amino acids play an important role in tissue repair and protein production. Coconut water contains more alanine, arginine, cysteine and serine than cow's milk. In particular, coconut water is rich in arginine, an amino acid that helps the body fight stress and keep the heart healthy.
Science proves that coconut water contains many nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, iron, especially manganese - the substance involved in the structure of bones, the activities of metabolism of protein, sugar, and fat in the body, increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin in the absorption of sugar.
Besides, coconut water also contains many electrolytes such as potassium, sodium. The electrolytes in coconut water are in a form that is easily absorbed by the body, helping to maintain body water levels, blood pH levels and muscle function. Minerals and electrolytes also help prevent muscle cramps or spasms. Therefore, coconut water is considered as a natural sports drink with low calories and no caffeine. Coconut water is fat-free, cholesterol-free and naturally sweet to satisfy thirst effectively.
In addition, the high-quality amino acids in coconut water aid in building muscle mass after sports, developing bones, hair, skin, and creating antibodies. In particular, coconut water is also rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, which supports maintaining cell function, increasing immunity and metabolism, including vitamin B9 (Folate) which is essential for cell differentiation and development. cells, producing red blood cells, especially in infants and pregnant women. During the resistance war, our doctors used coconut water instead of infusion to save wounded soldiers.
- Every part of the coconut tree can be used: coconut fruit, coconut leaves, coconut trunk, coconut roots
- It takes 11-12 months for a coconut to reach maturity.
- There are more than 80 varieties of coconut grown around the world.
- Coconut trees can be up to 25 meters tall.
- The name coconut in English is “Coconut” which is a combination of the word “nut – nut” and the word “coco” in Portuguese.
- During World War 2, coconut water was also used to treat dehydration.
- The coconut tree is a familiar symbol of the "paradise tourist island" of the Maldives.
- The three largest coconut growing and producing countries in the world are Indonesia, Philippines and India.